Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Top Three Hobies

My Top Three Hobbies
1. Riding Motorbikes
One of my hobbies is an interest in motorized street bikes, I first got to experience getting on my bike with one of my neighbors. The feeling of the acceleration and wind hitting your body is just insane! Since then I haven't been able to get motorcycles out of my head! All I want to do is ride one now! So about every weekend my buddy and I ride down PCH. I soon hope to be able to get one of my own!

2. Cars
Another hobby that I am into is going to car meets and events. I like going to car shows around California because the events attract a lot of people in and out of state to come compete, and its interesting to see the competivness that rises from the drivers. One day I too would dream of competing on a track and a build of my own!

3. Working on motorcycles

All the thrill on a bike cant happen if you don't know how they work! So I often find myself asking my friends if they need help with their motorcycles. I get experience from helping them do and oil change or tire replacement, or his bike needs new brake calipers, or pads I help! I want to go to school for this so it benefits me! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

MY winter break

My winter break was very therapeutic, I spent the two weeks off doing various things. Besides Christmas and New Year's I was with my friend's playing basket ball, going to club's, and going on motorcycle rides down PCH. This Christmas break was resourcefully spent. One thing that was different about this year's Christmas is that I didn't receive any gift's. I Insisted my parents on getting my little brother and sister a bunch of stuff instead. I am content with them having an awesome Christmas, and that made my Christmas a more enjoy full.

During the break I also had some school work to finish up, I had finished most of it but misplaced the chapter review papers while helping my uncle clean our carpets on Saturday. On the other side at least our carpets are clean for the new year! But now I have to finish them all over again in order to gain credit. I also stayed up late making tamales for my family before Christmas eve. I have to say, it was worth staying up! Because for the rest of the break because I ate tamales and they were delicious!

The New year resolution I made and promised to keep is a plan to gain back some weight for the winter as well as keeping a healthy mind of state and a high protein diet. I plan on keeping this resolution by staying focused, keeping a schedule, working out daily. Today after school I am gonna do some research on different types of foods and nutrients I should be ingesting regularly to meet my New years resolution. Now all that is left is to follow my plan!